Term 6: The Crucible (Group 2)


  • Term Six – 6 tutorials
  • Upper KS3 Reading
  • Group 2: Wednesdays
  • 13:00-13:50 UK time

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Reading Course Term 6: The Crucible

We complete our Upper Reading course with a play about the Salem witch trials and the parallels Arthur Miller saw with McCarthy’s attempt to root out communists in 1950s USA. It’s another example of how great literature can reveal truths about the world and serve as a warning against groupthink and irrationality. Digging into characterisation, context and writer’s purpose, studying The Crucible is a powerful and important way to complete our course.

Students will need to read/watch the play outside of tutorials, though we will examine key scenes together in detail. Tutorials will be a blend of direct teaching, group discussions and individual work. Students will receive live feedback on their work during tutorials.

  • Tutorials – The tutorials are a blend of the tutor reading aloud, discussions about the novel and written work
  • Reading requirements – Students will need to read/watch the play or film version outside of tutorials, but we will do some reading of key scenes together.
  • Feedback and support – Students will receive live feedback on written work during tutorials using Google Classrooms. It is useful to have a Google account that they can use for this purpose
  • Homework – Optional homework opportunities provided.