Term Dates and Subject Schedules

2023/24 Term Dates

2024/25 Term Dates

Science Schedule – Lower KS3

Chemistry (Monday)Physics (Tuesday)Biology (Thursday)
Term 1The Particle ModelForces and GravityMovement
Term 2Elements, Compounds
and Mixtures
Term 3Metals and non-metalsElectricityEcosystems
Term 4Acids and AlkalisEnergyPlant Reproduction
Term 5Earth’s StructureSoundVariation
Term 6The UniverseLightHuman Reproduction
Tutorials are live and interactive and delivered to groups of no more than 8 students. Discovery Packs are in development for each topic.

Science Schedule – Upper KS3

Chemistry (Monday)Physics (Tuesday)Biology (Thursday)
Term 1The Periodic TableHeating and CoolingBreathing
Term 2ElementsPressureDigestion
Term 3Chemical EnergyWorkRespiration
Term 4Types of ReactionMagnetismPhotosynthesis
Term 5ClimateWave Properties and
their Effects
Term 6Earth’s ResourcesWOW – The future
of Physics
Tutorials are live and interactive and delivered to groups of no more than 8 students. Discovery Packs are in development for each topic.