Our Reviews

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say thank you so much for a brilliant lesson this morning. I’ve just come out of a work meeting of my own and he’s absolutely jumping up and down with excitement. He really liked the content and […] he really enjoyed your style.
Parent J.M.
Just to say you’ll always be our favourite teacher for marking and comments, thanks for making us laugh and smile with your responses, it’s exactly what we all need!
Parent G.B.
i reall y enjoy your lessons, see you next week!
Student A
Thanks for the notes you have supplied regarding revision. I would always recommend you should I meet anyone that [would like to study KS3 or KS4 science]. You are by far the best tutor that [my daughter] has had. 🙂
Parent T.R.
When he was in school, he was overwhelmed by the sensory environment. In your lessons, though, it is very different. I am constantly so delighted to hear him asking questions, volunteering to answer, nodding away and raising his hand. You are doing a great job of not only teaching in a very engaging, informative and challenging way, but also of making my kid feel seen and valued. Thank you!
Parent R.T.
“I can highly recommend Tutor Led Learning. My son has thoroughly enjoyed his first 6 weeks with Tutors Andy & Dave. He has learnt so much in such a short space of time & it’s been lovely to see his excitement before and after each lesson. Huge thank you from both of us.
Parent T.K.
[My daughter] has loved the course, and particularly loved your style of teaching. I would never have believed that she would be able to speak in a group lesson with a camera on – but your ability to bring humour to the group and put everyone at ease and encourage them to connect with one another has been amazing and enabled her to grow in confidence. I recommend your company to everyone!
Parent K.F.

Thanks for today, [my son] was bursting to tell me all about it and he’s always very honest! He said he can’t wait to do it again and got a real confidence boost from it! So thank you so much.
Parent L.N.
[My son] really enjoys all your sessions and is always looking forward to them.
Parent M.W.
Brilliant lesson today – thnx. [My child] enjoyed it so much. She’s just spent 20mins on the [recommended] website and is giggling and ‘wowing’ away – priceless.
Parent J.M.
The lesson you led was really fun and engaging. I loved that you answered my questions, l went on the website and watched a video about the nuclear chicken that was very enjoyable.
Student E.
I cannot recommend TLL sessions enough both Andy & Dave are amazing they are such genuine & enthusiastic teachers. My son who was not enjoying school & is currently being home schooled loves their lessons & he voluntarily logs in early to lessons to have a chat first! The joy. Their lessons are totally engaging & the children always get time to make comments, ask questions & really participate. I consider myself truly lucky to have found them.
Parent J.D.
Thanks so much for this [suggestion on how to support learning outside of live tutorials]! All super helpful and I am beginning to get a better handle on how to make this work for [my son]. He’s really enjoyed the sessions this week so many thanks.
Parent K.
My child has really enjoyed his lessons with Tutor Led Learning. The topics and teaching style have fully engaged him, it’s interactive, well-paced and very comprehensive in content. We recently completed some Summer club sessions and they were excellent. All credit to Tutor Andy – it’s no mean feat to inspire a 12 year old to willingly book more classes because he likes them so much, especially after a negative school experience, this is a breath of fresh air! Really simple and efficient booking system too.
Parent D.G
With my son having had a bad experience at school I decided to home school. My son missed interacting with others though. With Tutor Led Learning he gets to mix with other children in a safe environment. The lessons are interesting and thought provoking. It’s been wonderful to watch my son gain his confidence back and actually enjoy learning again. Andy and David are very patient and both have a great sense of humour.
Parent H.C.
Tutor Led Learning are fab. My children have learnt so much and really enjoy their lessons. Thank you both 😊
Parent K.R.

I just thought you’d like to know how positive and proud last week’s lesson had made him feel. I was astounded how close he had got to the answer! Home schooling is definitely working out well for him. Both his science and maths teachers says he is a natural at spotting the connections between things and the fact he was so enthusiastic about his English last week is fantastic. Just wanted to say thank you and let you know how pleased I am with how his English lessons are going.
Parent J.N.

My ten year old son is absolutely loving his classes with Tutor Dave. Lessons are fun, engaging and each child has an opportunity to share / ask questions. Tutor is always accessible via e-mail and provides feedback. We have booked 5 different classes for this half term again. Highly recommend!
Parent O.N.

I just wanted to say how much my son’s lessons with David have boosted his confidence. He used to seriously doubt himself. Now he believes he is capable. He even looks forward to English now! Thank you so much 😊
Parent L.W.

I am particularly taken with the way that David listens to the children contributions via zoom, the chat link and within the google document, and comments on them with privately to correct or adjust or within the group to validate or acknowledge the child’s creativity and ideas.  The sessions cover a lot without feeling time pressured.  The sessions are encouraging and engaging with a focus on learning and questioning rather than cramming for assessment.  As a home educating parent it is important to me that my child learns in a way where they feel they are an active participant and their isn’t a focus on what is right or wrong.  The way the children are discussion an article or a book is broad enough to allow different abilities there is no pressure to read to the whole class or to answer direct questions which suits shyer or dyslexic children.  David seems to really enjoy teaching the classes which my daughter, for one has noted and commented on.  She was resistant to take part in English classes but looks forward to sessions with David and I can see the spark of a love of English being ignited in her session by session.
Parent A.L.

I just wanted to let you know that they were absolutely delighted at how close they had got at their conclusion to the speckled band. He was sat waiting for his lesson last week and for your link to come through desperate to find out the end of the story.  He worked really hard on his conclusion and spent most of Tuesday on it.  It’s fantastic to see him enthusiastic about an English lesson as he has always seen them as something to almost be fearful of. It certainly helped that the subject matter touched on his favourite and specialist subject animals (the more exotic the better.)
Parent H.P.

My son has completed 3 different topics with Andy now and really enjoys his sessions. The sessions are informative, fun and engaging and my son gets a lot from them, especially as science is not my strong point! Thanks so much!
Parent L.M.

We found Tutor Led Learning having been recommended their services on a parent homeschooling group.  Andy and Dave were absolutely fantastic from the very first email contact.  At that point we were just beginning our autistic 11 year old son’s home education journey, having removed him from school following a very stressful and traumatic time for him.  At that point we did not know what would work for him but Andy and Dave worked closely with us at every stage, taking on board suggestions and ideas, being open to different formats, time slots and lesson length. We are so very grateful to their flexibility and commitment to seeing our son’s learning flourish. 

We have now arrived at a point where our son does a weekly 1:1 science tutorial with Andy, a 1:1 English literature tutorial with Dave and a group English creative writing tutorial with Dave.   Our son really looks forward to his tutorials and to seeing the friendly faces of Andy and Dave who he has now struck up a fantastic and trusting rapport with.  This trust has allowed him to flourish in his learning which he was absolutely not able to do in school with all the many transitions, noises and stress. 

It is a marvel to see him not only look forward to the tutorials but to actively get himself ready for them and to fully engage for the duration of them.  If he needs a break he knows he can express this and that will be listened to. 

In science, Andy has given our son a choice in what he learns – this element of agency is hugely important for a bright and anxious learner.  During the tutorials he lets our son asks questions and they freely engage in a stimulating and fascinating conversation.  This 1:1 attention allows our son to remain fully engaged and stimulated by the subject matter.  Thank you so much Andy. 

Dave’s English literature tutorials are massively productive, succinct and effective.  His style keeps our son really engaged in the text using very clever teaching structures.  The creative writing group classes are similarly well structured, providing writing prompts which give the learner just enough structure to scaffold their writing.  Our son absolutely loves both his English tutorials and we are so grateful to Dave.

 Tutor Led Learning has been absolutely instrumental in getting our son’s learning back on track.  We now have a fantastic weekly structure that works seamlessly and smoothly and most importantly a very happy learner.
Parent XX

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