Term 3: Poetry (Group 1)


  • Term Three – 6 tutorials
  • Middle KS3 Reading
  • Group 1: Mondays
  • 09:30-10:20 UK time

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Reading Course Term 3: Poetry

By reading a range of poetry, this term students learn how poetic writing is different from prose, why those differences are important and why writers are allowed to break the typical rules of writing. We explore important terminology students will need for future study as well as exploring the deeper meanings that poems often have.

In these tutorials, we will analyse and discuss poetry as a group as well as responding individually in writing. Students will receive live feedback on written work during tutorials.

  • Tutorials – The tutorials are a blend of the tutor reading aloud, discussions about the novel and written work
  • Reading requirements – Students do not need to read the poems before the tutorials. Texts will be provided in the tutorials.
  • Feedback and support – Students will receive live feedback on written work during tutorials using Google Classrooms. It is useful to have a Google account that they can use for this purpose
  • Homework – Optional homework opportunities provided.