GCSE Maths and science investigations topic (AO3) Term 4 Tues 4.00pm


GCSE booster topic

Maths and science investigations (AO3)

Tues 4.00-4.50pm (Term 4)

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This specially written topic will focus on skills relating to GCSE Science Assessment Objective 3 (Experimental skills, analysis and evaluation of data and methods) which is worth around 20% of an IGCSE sciences qualification. AO3 can be an area many students find difficult and often underperform in.

Together we will explore different mathematical concepts, how they relate to science, scientific investigation skills, exam technique and more. This is a six-week topic in Term 4 (starting w/c 24 Feb).

Sample mathematical content includes:

  • Percentages
  • Fractions
  • Area and volume
  • Ratios
  • Standard form
  • Significant figures
  • Sampling
  • Averages
  • Graph skills

Sample scientific investigation content includes:

  • Understanding key vocabulary eg precise, accurate, valid, hypothesis, variables
  • Writing methods
  • Key equipment
  • Safety procedures
  • Designing investigations

Some homework will be set (marked and self-marked). Group size is uncapped, student cameras can be on or off (hopefully on!). If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Your Tutor

Tutor Andy

Andy Milson BSc, PGCE

Andy is a qualified and experienced science teacher who has worked as both a secondary school teacher and a private tutor since 2009. He has also worked in research for the NHS and in CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). Andy’s love of science started as a child when he used to create fact files about plants and animals. Andy is interested in all types of science from Astronomy to Zoology and likes to help his students link their learning to everyday life. Andy is a co-founder of Tutor Led Learning.

It’s important to be nice…

We treat all members of our community with respect and expect our students to do the same. We will not tolerate any abusive language or behaviour towards either students or tutors and we may remove students who behave inappropriately from any lesson without warning or refund.

Additional information

Time slot

10:10 – 10:10;
10:15 – 10:25;
10:30 – 10:40;