

“The unexamined life is not worth living”

Socrates, Greek Philosopher


At KS3 level, philosophy lessons focus on developing critical thinking skills, introducing philosophical problems, and learning how to challenge our beliefs and ideas. We discuss topics such as moral problems, how we know what is ‘real’ and what rights artificial intelligence should have.


In our KS4 lessons, learners engage with topics more deeply. We dive into the work of specific philosophers, exploring and examining their ideas. Whether it’s Plato, Sartre or Bertrand Russell, these lessons teach learners the skills to navigate complex ideas within and outside of an academic context.


Learning how to think, not what to think

Have you ever wondered if the colours you see are the same for other people? For example, does ‘blue’ look the same for everyone, or do some people see it as red, or green perhaps?

Have you ever thought about whether life is all mapped out for us, or if we get to choose our own destiny? When you choose to do something, is it really you doing the choosing, or does it just feel that way?

Have you sometimes thought that right and wrong just aren’t as simple as people make them out to be? For example, is it ok to eat meat? If not, is it ok for people who have no other source of food? Does it differ between animals?

If you have thoughts like these, then philosophy might be for you! 

Philosophy covers a huge range of topics and touches on almost every part of our lives. Topics include:

  • Moral philosophy where we discuss what is right and wrong. 
  • Epistemology is the study of how we ‘know’ things. How do you know you don’t live in a simulation, for example? Would you care if you did?
  • Metaphysics asks questions about what it means to exist. Where did life come from? What is your ‘mind’?
  • Logic is the study of reasoning. How do we accurately draw conclusions about the world? How do we spot logical errors?
  • Political philosophy studies laws, justice, government and society. How should criminals be punished? Should there be limits on free speech?

Philosophy does not promise answers to any questions. It’s about learning how to think, not what to think. But if you’re curious about the world and the way we live, philosophy might just be what you need to take your thinking to the next level.

Prepare to spend lots of time lost in thought!

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